The intelligent adaptive control module RODIAN is adjusted continually (online) for optimal control conditions on the basis of artificial intelligence methods. The calculation and adjustment to optimal control parameters is implemented fully automatically, without an intervention from process engineers. The RODIAN control module with artificial intelligence contains neuron networks, classic fuzzy control and optimizing algorithms.
Available models
Intelligent panel controller
The panel controller with artificial intelligence is able to identify continually (online) the controlled system in an automatic control mode, create a mathematical model of the controlled technological process and subsequently automatically continually calculate and adjust optimal constants of controllers. It is a separate computer module with a colour touchscreen. Part of it are also analogue inputs and outputs for the connection of devices such as an ethernet communication interface for the connection of distributed systems in the industry or in households. The intelligent panel controller, as a ready-to-use product, is designed for automated control of technological processes. It is possible to place it directly in production as well as in control rooms and control centres of production companies and, last but not least, in households.
Industrial card for control systems
The industrial card for control systems for automatic, continual obtaining of mathematical models, adjustment of control constants, and optimal control of technological processes.
Intelligent mobile case
The intelligent portable case represents a complete developing station for analysis, modelling and optimization of manufacturing technological processes in industrial as well as laboratory conditions. Part of that development workplace is an industrial module – a controller with analogue and digital inputs and outputs, an ethernet communication module, and a visualization touchscreen panel.
Instructions for control systems
Instructions for computer control systems in the C, C++, C# languages and PLC programming languages.
Production companies | Space research | Service centres | Research centres | Engineering companies involved in automation | Distribution
trade companies | Design companies | Research and development sites | University laboratory sites | Energy industry |
Metallurgical industry | Food industry | Heat generation industry | Mechanical engineering industry |
Water supply industry | Aviation industry
TThis device was developed with financial support from the EU within the Operational Programme COMPETITIVENESS AND ECONOMIC GROWTH
ITMS Code: 25110320026
Priority axis 1: Innovations and growth of competitiveness
Measure 1.3: Support of innovation activities in companies
Project name: Industrial Research and Experimental Development at KYBERNETES s.r.o.
More information about RODIAN
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