
The most significant projects of KYBERNETES, s.r.o.


Research and Development of the ECOGI Product at KYBERNETES

Name and address of the beneficiary:  KYBERNETES s.r.o., Omská 14, Košice
Realization project place:  Omská 14, Košice
Amount of non-returnable financial contribution:  945 043,16€

The project solves the research and development of a new “ECOGI” product by the company KYBERNETES in Košice, with a high degree of innovation, as a product for a comprehensive solution to an automatic optimization strategy of the use of primary energy sources, which, in the final result, leads to optimization and overall reduction in the consumption of electrical and heat energy in production companies. The ECOGI will integrate online several sources of heat and electrical energy on the basis of consumption demand and will optimize the consumption of energy in a plant. The emphasis will be laid on the maximum use of alternative energy sources in industrial companies, many of which currently have available heterogenous energy sources but they are missing an integrated control system for effective combining of energy equipment with the possibility of energy accumulation and its subsequent use.

The objective of the research and development of the project is an ECOGI device, which will be compact and placed in a single industrial rack. It is a miniaturized product, consisting of three main subsystems: (1) energy production source integrator subsystem, (2) power and control electronics subsystem for bidirectional transfer of electrical energy needed for modern and future SMART companies, and (3) subsystem of optimal model-orientated control of all currently available ecological energy sources on the basis of mathematical methods and artificial intelligence methods. The device will suitably configure and parametrize the energy consumption process, also on the basis of predictions of short-term and medium-term needs of an enterprise.

Feasibility Study and Experimental Development of a 3D Integrated Sensor Device


Project implementation period:  2014-2015
Total project funding volume:  791,000.- EUR
ITMS Code:  25110320069
Priority axis 1: Innovations and growth of competitiveness
Measure 1.3: Support of innovation activities in companies

The innovative idea of the project is to extend the identification of objects in 3D space and automate the selection of an identified object on the basis of a 3D scan and sophisticated algorithms.

The application output of the project is a 3D integrated sensor control, designed in particular for economic practice. The specification of requirements for this device was implemented in cooperation with representatives of the industry.

The company GETRAG FORD Transmissions Slovakia, s.r.o. is currently showing interest in the application output of the project after its completion. This project is in the solution stage.

For more information,

have a look in our bulletin.

Industrial research and experimental development at KYBERNETES s.r.o.

Project implementation period:  2011-2013
Total project funding volume:  596,580.- EUR
ITMS Code:  25110320026
Priority axis 1: Innovations and growth of competitiveness
Measure 1.3: Support of innovative activities in companies

The innovative idea of the project was the creation of a controller that is capable of fully automatic and continual (online) adjusting to optimal conditions. The whole control is done on the basis of artificial intelligent methods, with the emphasis on adaptability and autonomy, with the help of the latest technical means designed for the optimal control of technological processes.

The location of the project implementation was the registered address of Kybernetes, s.r.o. at Košice, Omská 14, but the results of the research and development are intended for the economic practice.

The application outputs of the project are two devices:

(1) Intelligent Mobile Case (IMK)

(2) Intelligent Panel Controller (IPR)

The devices are capable of fully automatic and continual (online) adjusting to optimal control parameters. Such application outputs of the project are deployed and applied in the industry and are parts of the product catalogue of Kybernetes, s.r.o.

For more information,

have a look in our bulletin.

Other projects implemented by the company

In the past, the representatives of the company (Ján Liguš, Eng., PhD. and Jana Ligušová, Eng., PhD.) were solution providers of the following fundamental research projects in the academic environment:

1. SALEIE – Strategic Alignment of Electrical and Information Engineering in European Higher Education Institutions, Project reference number: 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW, Work Package 3: Global Challenges (2012-2015)

2. Package of Elements to Improve the Quality and Innovation of Education at TUKE, ITMS Code of the project: 26110230070 (2013-2015)

3. Package of Quality Improvements at TUKE Through Networks, Project ITMS Code: 26110230086 (2013-2015)

4. Package of Additions for Further Education Reform at TUKE, Project ITMS Code: 26110230093 (2013-2015)

5. Dynamic Hybrid Architectures in Multiagent Network Control Systems, VEGA, No. 1/0286/11 (2011-2014)

6. Development of a Centre of Information and Communication Technologies for Knowledge Systems, Project ITMS Code: 26220120030 (2012-2013)

7. Multiagent Network Control Systems with Automatic Reconfiguration, VEGA, No. 1/0617/08 (2008-2010)

8. Modelling, Control, and Simulation of Distributed Production Systems, APVT, APVT-51-011602 (2002 – 2005)

9. Monitoring of Real and Supervisory Control of Simulated Processes, KEGA project, KEGA 3/120603

10. Intelligent and Information Technologies for the Recognition of Objects, VEGA, No. 1/2185

11. Methods and Means of Systems to Support Decision-making with the Emphasis on the Recognition of Patterns, VEGA, No. 1/9031/02

12. Multiagent Hybrid Control of Complex Systems, VEGA, No. 1/2183/05 (2005 – 2007)

13. Multiagent Intelligent Control of Complex Systems, VEGA, No. 1/9032/02 (2002 – 2004)


  KYBERNETES, s.r.o.

Omská 14, 040 01 Košice, Slovenská republika


     +421 905 622 376

Org. ID: 36 734 519
VAT No.: SK2022317297
Bank connection:
Tatra banka a.s., SK26 1100 0000 0026 2371 1617